Saturday, June 5, 2010

My God Can Move The Mountains

Orientation here in Missoula is over. It was bittersweet saying goodbye today, but how exciting is it to think that the 14 other missionaries I grew to know and love will be spread out over Western Montana for the sake of the Gospel and to make His name famous?! So legit.

The past 3 days have been filled with so much information, but so vital to our ministries. How was I supposed to know that Montanans are individualistic, independent, and genuine? I guessed that it would be a little different from beloved Texas, but honestly.. my thoughts were, "How different could it really be? There's hardly anyone living there and it's still in the US." Oh, but was I wrong, so very, very wrong. I know I'll make mistakes but hopefully now I'll make less. God has definitely humbled me this week. I can't be the Texan that knows everything this summer. I have to selflessly love the Lord and love the people He has created.

A big issue here is that people worship the creation. It's as if Paul was writing about the Montanans in Romans 1. They have "exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles" (Romans 1: 23). People live in Missoula to play outside. The worship of nature combined with low paying jobs and high housing prices, many people are in massive debt. They will buy a new toy for the outdoors before they buy food. This is how much they love the creation.

Imagine, just for a moment, what Montana would look like if the million people living here would incorporate the Creator into their lives as they do the creation.

Imagine what it would look like if the Montanans would lift up the Creator's name in praise that would be more awesome or beautiful than any surrounding mountain.

Imagine what Missoula, Montana, America, or the World would look like if these real, genuine, independent, individualistic people realized the power, grace, redemption, and life that is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

My hope and prayer is that the Holy Spirit would move like crazy in Montana this summer. I pray that Montana would be set ablaze with the love of Christ.

Please pray that God would do this.
Pray that my team would show love to the people.
Pray for the Montanans' hearts.
Pray for opportunities to talk to people.
Pray for my team's sensitivity to the Lord's voice.

I hope you all have lovely weekends!


The 2010 Summer Missionaries!

Sunset over the Clark Fork River.

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