Sunday, April 25, 2010

By Faith

Today has been a weird day. Many tears, realizations, convictions, and thoughts have unloaded themselves on me. But God has spoken something deep to me today... "Dear one, live by faith, and I mean live all of life by faith."

Ever since I was considering going to Montana, I had every doubt and unassurance imaginable. I still do and my biggest fear is that going is a mistake. During Living Hope's service this morning, that fear began to cave in on me. Guatemala was easy compared to Montana. I knew and felt for a solid fact that I was supposed to be there. With Montana, it doesn't always feel right, but it seems right. Unfortunately, feelings and lack of feelings can be wrong, and what seems right may also be wrong.

This is where I'm at... evaluating what I know to be truth. I know that I am called to proclaim the gospel to all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). I know that in everything I do it needs to be in the name of the Lord Jesus (Colossians 3:17). I know that working at Pinecove was not an option--God closed that door, locked it and threw away the key. I know that staying in College Station for summer school would not be for the purposes to spread the gospel, it would be to finish school sooner and to save money. Both would be to please someone other than God. Both would not be trusting God and living by faith.

Today, through reading 2 Corinthians 4:8-18; 5:11-6:13 and Hebrews 11 God clearly spoke to me to start living by faith. I've known this. I've read Hebrews 11 many, many times before. Hebrews 11:1 was one of the first verses I learned. But today, it all took on a new connotation--Montana is my conviction of what is unseen. My doubts have been keeping me from seeing Montana as solid and real, forcing me to live by faith.

Why else would God keep in school for this semester?
Why else would God encourage me through leaders that I trust to pursue this?
Why else would God lay on a dear friend's heart to protect me?

God moves in big, big, ways. He's been doing so but I haven't been looking for it. I've been too concerned about my little problems in comparison to His will.

As I move into this coming week, please be in prayer for myself and my team. That through the doubts, hardships and Satan's attacks we would be focused on the task at hand. Pray that would find rest in our Saviour and that we would be able to finish the last few weeks of school incredibly strong in the Lord.

Friends, I encourage you all to live by faith this week.. even in the smallest of ways.

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

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