Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

How grateful I am to be in America for the 4th of July! Us interns had a fantastic weekend filled with Osprey Baseball, hiking, hamburgers, fireworks in 3D, cookouts, rock band, farmer's market, Ghostbusters, a trip to a cabin and Garnet ghost town. Most importantly it was the loving people we were able to share those experiences with. Thank you all for the company, food, and laughter!

Jaime, Me, Courtney, and Michelle at the Osprey game.

There is officially four weeks left at OC. I can't believe how fast this summer has gone--it feels like we just got here. We're finally getting to know people and settle into our ministries. It's been interesting to begin to see the strengths, needs, and passions of this church. My hope and prayer is that they will continue to grow as a community. My heart is already saddened by the fact that I have to go back to Texas so soon. (Maybe it'll be the Lord's will that I come back.) I would love to come back one day and hear how God has changed and molded them into who He wants them to be.

All summer I've been trying to figure out if there was an overall theme that God was teaching me. We're halfway in and I think it's all about relearning. Lately, especially this week, it's been about looking at the Gospel again--truly understanding all of the little ins and outs.

Coming back from Hiawatha, Caleb asked us what else would we like to do in our ministries before we leave. I thought for a while and never really answered him, but that question has been on my mind ever since. All that I ever wanted to do this summer was talk with the junior high and high school girls about who I was when I was their age. My desire was, and still is, to pour out my failures in front of them and shed some God-given wisdom on what I did. I simply want them to fully and radically understand the beautiful freedom, never ending grace, and bountiful life we can have in Christ Jesus.

The girls and I talked about it once, and I've hinted about it at other times. My fear is that they don't understand, that my encouragement to wait on the Lord, avoid dating throughout high school, won't sink in. I want to save them from the gut wrenching heartache I endured because of my mistakes. I want them to know that a man, even a man of God, will never complete them. But thanks be to God, that I, in my sinful flesh, am not expected to save them! I cannot search their hearts and change them, only Father can.. so I have a peace and assurance that He will do what He wishes according to His will. Oh, how I've grown to love His sovereignty.

God is moving and I can't always see it, which is the hard part, but I know He is. Thank you for your prayers. So often I have felt their encouragement. A need that has come forth is for leaders to arise to take over what we have done this summer. Please be praying that God would work on people's hearts and bring them to our attention.

Courtney and I said goodbye to Jaime on Tuesday. We are surely going to miss her! She has a joy about her that I love. Pray for safe travel as she will be going to a few different places between now and when school starts in the fall. She'll be new at CSU so be praying for the transition and that God will bring friends into her life.

The Youth All Nighter is tomorrow night. Pray for unity amongst the youth. Pray for safety and wise decisions. Pray for fun and that God's Spirit would move. Pray for conversations that will happen and energy for the leaders to last through the night.

"But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness."  -Romans 6:17-18

1 comment:

  1. JoHANNA! love this new mountain background.....YA'LL. I'm too longwinded for the comment section so I'll facebook ya later.
